Deep Down Things
Nicodemus, Doug Weaver
Pentecost 2012 issue.
The parenting odyssey
What does it mean to raise well-adjusted children?
Friday Links, January 22, 2021
Resources, Lent writing contest, and four reviews
The fractured fairy tale of Midsommar
The strong gods will return
Rediscovering the Heavens
Truth and fiction in CS Lewis
Friday Links, January 15, 2021
Poetry, Art History, Homeless Benefit, a New Press
I wrote this essay so I could stop thinking about death for five minutes
Art is both life and death
Losing My Life for What?
Making sense of social upheaval
Friday Links, January 8, 2021
New publishers, contests, exquisite art calligraphy . . .
A language deeper than culture
Pierre De Smet travels west
Friday Links, January 1, 2021
Portrait of a Paralyzed Priesthood: James Joyce’s “The Sisters”
On the silent paralysis that permeates “The Sisters.”
What we read (and loved) this past year
Recommendations from the editors
Should Catholic hymnody be more ambitious?
The trap of low expectations
Friday Links, December 25, 2020
Christmas is not over yet: carols and a reflection
The Squalor of the Stable: A Christmas Eve in Bethlehem
Modern day Christmas Eve in Bethlehem
What happened when the lights went out
Maybe we see more in the dark
The meaning of Sacred Architecture
Exploring the renovation of St Augustine’s Cathedral in Kalamazoo, Michigan by Duncan Stroik, classical architect
Friday Links, December 18, 2020
Book reviews, sacred art, a symposium concluded...
Advent is the great longing
Advent thoughts on L’Heureux’s, “Communion”
If 2020 Was a Nativity Scene
What's that Vatican Nativity all about?