Deep Down Things
Nicodemus, Doug Weaver
Pentecost 2012 issue.
Christmas and the dignity of the family
Lesser-known tales from Dickens
The Virgin of Paris and the Conversion of Paul Claudel, Christmas Eve 1886
A rebirth of faith in the 18th C. and of hope in the 21st
Friday Links, December 11, 2020
Classes, a cosmology, O antiphons, Our Lady of O.
Minor Indignities
Humiliation is the path to self-identity
You'll want to know about Oscar Wilde's mother
like mother like son
Friday Links, December 4, 2020
Writings of DT writers & others
What Curious George Taught Me About My Faith
What if you know the end of the story?
"Alma Redemptoris Mater," the Marian Antiphon for Advent and Christmastide
Exploring the Marian Hymn for Advent and the Christmas Season
Friday Links, November 27, 2020
Thanksgiving and Advent, a class, and a contest
How I learned to love Flannery O'Connor
It's not about how the story ends
Winners of the Bakhita Prize for the Visual Arts
Art for Human Dignity
Advent - the long surprise
A poetic rupture for the new year
Advent – The Long Surprise
Friday Links, November 20, 2020
Advent, O Antiphons, Announcements
A poet in a family of prose
the import of artistic fatherhood
Catholic Apologetics in The Crown?
Princess Margaret’s Choice in Season 4

New Forms, Hot Priests
Woman falls for priest. Dramedy ensues.
The Readers Karamazov
A podcast on lit and philosophy
Friday Links, November 13, 2020
Chant, a good new book, and matters of race
Sarah Law’s new biography-in-verse
Thérèse: Poems