Friday Links, November 27, 2020

A class on Dostoevsky, another poetry contest, what to read for Advent, how to be thankful like St. Bhakita, and how to be masked with only the finest in Catholic art.

Catholic Arts Today Series: The Christ-Centered Short Story; Class One: Fyodor Dostoevsky’s “The Grand Inquisitor”

Dappled Things Editor-in-Chief Katy Carl writes, "Join fiction writer, founder of Wise Blood Books, Dr. Joshua Hren in exploring the Christ-Centered short story." The first class "Fyodor Dostoevsky’s “The Grand Inquisitor," will be offered by Catholic Arts Today on Thursday, December 3, 2020, 5:00 PM – 6:15 PM PST.


Father Michael Rennier, DT Web Editor, recommends this article by Elizabeth Scalia at Word on Fire blog.

“It is a true measure of just how stressful the year has been that 'we’re not done yet' sounds more like a threat than a mere fact.“But Advent is coming! Lovely Advent! Expectant, hopeful Advent!“. . . we help the light along by quietening down, adding a bit of silence to the shorter days where we can and hopefully by picking up an instructive or soul-nourishing book – or even better, a book that both informs and feeds, even if it is not specifically themed to Advent.”

‘Thank You, Thank You, My God!’: A Story of Grace, Gratitude and Thanksgiving

Winners of the Bakhita Prize for the Visual Arts were announced this week at The competition was named in honor of St. Josephine Bakhita, patroness of Sudan and victims of human trafficking. The linked article gives a glimpse of the saint's uncommonly grace-filled perspective on the horrendous events of her life. It's a good one to read during this Thanksgiving week in the U.S., when we have been deprived of many of our expected comforts, and may have trouble being thankful for the small and great misfortunes that have been coming our way.

“'If I were to meet those slave traders who kidnapped me and those who tortured me,' she said, as recounted in From Slave to Saint, 'I would get down on my knees and kiss their hands, because if that had not happened, I would not be a Christian or a religious today.'”

New York Encounter 2021 Poetry Contest

New York Encounter is sponsoring its 5th annual poetry contest to celebrate its 2021 theme: When Reality Hits. Submission deadline: December 19, 2020.

“What happened in 2020 indeed changed and is still changing us. What is the nature of this change? What are we looking for?Will life ever be the same? Can this change be a milestone in the journey of life?"


Need ideas for original Catholic-themed Christmas gifts in these times of COVID-19? Support Daniel Mitsui, a fine illustrator, and wear your faith! ADORATION of the MAGI, MIRACULOUS MASS of ST. GREGORY, GREAT BATTLE in HEAVEN: ST. MICHAEL and HIS ANGELS versus the DRAGON and HIS ANGELS, OUR LADY, UNDOER of KNOTS. Also as a neck gaiter: CHI-RHO MONOGRAM with CHRIST in MAJESTY.

“The idea was suggested by my 11-year-old son, as he watched a masked man delivering our groceries: Could you have face masks made with your art on them?. My whole family liked the idea. While I have in the past been reluctant to place my art on clothing, this seemed like a good and important occasion to make an exception."—Daniel Mitsui

A Parting Thought on Thanksgiving from Christina Rosetti

“Were there no God, we would be in this glorious world with grateful hearts, and no one to thank.” ― Christina Rossetti

“Were there no God, we would be in this glorious world with grateful hearts, and no one to thank.” ― Christina Rossetti

Roseanne T. Sullivan

After a career in technical writing and course development in the computer industry while doing other writing on the side, Roseanne T. Sullivan now writes full-time about sacred music, liturgy, art, and whatever strikes her Catholic imagination. Before she started technical writing, Sullivan earned a B.A. in English and Studio Arts, and an M.A. in English with writing emphasis, and she taught courses in fiction and memoir writing. Her Masters Thesis consisted of poetry, fiction, memoir, and interviews, and two of her short stories won prizes before she completed the M.A. In recent years, she has won prizes in poetry competitions. Sullivan has published many essays, interviews, reviews, and memoir pieces in Catholic Arts Today, National Catholic Register, Religion.Unplugged, The Catholic Thing, and other publications. Sullivan also edits and writes posts on Facebook for the Benedict XVI Institute for Sacred Music and Divine Worship, Catholic Arts Today, the St. Ann Choir, El Camino Real, and other pages.

"Alma Redemptoris Mater," the Marian Antiphon for Advent and Christmastide


How I learned to love Flannery O'Connor