Deep Down Things
Nicodemus, Doug Weaver
Pentecost 2012 issue.
Portrait of a Paralyzed Priesthood: James Joyce’s “The Sisters”
On the silent paralysis that permeates “The Sisters.”
New Forms, New Popes
On popes, tension & religious literacy.
Everybody Worships
David Foster Wallace. Ten years later.

Everybody Worships
David Foster Wallace. Ten years later.

Superstar, Part II (or, bloom)
How much artistic license can the gospels take?
Superstar, Part I (or, ¡SUPERSTAR!)
Who are you? What have you sacrificed?

In Defense of Dark
Easy hope isn't always the answer.
In Defense of Dark
When easy hope isn't always the answer.
Of A Personal Nature
A lack of consummation.
Of A Personal Nature
A lack of consummation.
Finding Home
Right where you belong.

Art. Symbol. Victory. Empathy. War.

The Watchmen Part II (or, what is Marilynne's deal anyway?)
Alan Jacobs desires greater greatness.

The Watchmen Part I (or, the moot meets CSPRTTDWL)
What became of the Christian intellectuals?

The fine art of semantics and surfing couches.
Robert Sarah and the Paradox of Poverty
On why not to be an impecunious whining disaster.
Robert Sarah and the Paradox of Poverty
On why not to be an impecunious whining disaster.
Diamonds in the Rough
Love among the ruins. And, in Brooklyn.
American Babel
Or, how to speak in tongues.

Beyond the Spotlight Part III (or, intervention)
Against the unChurch