
How many times, I wonder, have I prayed
 With all my waning strength for some one grace,
 One desperate panacea to efface
The miseries that make my faint hopes fade—
How many nights have passed in my despair
 Before I found the wits and faith to see
 The providential serendipity
Whereby the Lord ignores and answers prayer?
 For, peering out from terror’s shroud voluminous,
   At last I realize that what I ask
 Is not in keeping with the soul-wyrd numinous
   Which glows within my heart behind doubt’s mask—
 But when at last I glimpse His purpose luminous,
   I bow before my long-appointed task.
Jamey Toner

Jamey Toner is the author of The Kai, the true account of a young man finding faith through the martial arts, and the co-author of Brides of Christ, a children's book from the Benedictines of Mary, Queen of Apostles. Toner lives and works in Massachusetts with his beautiful wife, three lovely children, and a fluctuating number of chickens.




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