Deep Down Things
Nicodemus, Doug Weaver
Pentecost 2012 issue.
Friday Links
Stephanie Howe Sullivan on The O is in the Air; Halloween issue: New Verse Review; Denise Trull on “A Quirky Little Book”; The Dark Side of Jane Austen with Julia Yost and Mark Bauerlein; Andrew Tolkmith on Kris Kristofferson
Friday Links
The 2024 J.F. Powers Prize for Short Fiction; An Interview with DT’s Editor-in-Chief Rhonda Ortiz; James R. Wood on The Autonomy Trap; Marcel Proust’s View from the Prosecutor’s Side; God’s Little Flowers by Lindsay Schlegel; Culture of Life Poetry Award from Let Go the Goat
The 2024 J.F. Powers Prize for Short Fiction
The 2024 J. F. Powers Prize for Short Fiction is Now Open!
Moral development in the age of social media
It's not enough to only be reading the great books
Friday Links
Catholic Culture Podcast with Ryan Wilson; Political Lessons From the Life of Blessed Emperor Karl; The Borough: A Journal of Poetry; Form and Freedom from Plough; Dennis Wilson Wise on “Tolkien Criticism Today, Revisited”; Valerie Stivers on Sally Rooney’s Crypto-Christian Love
Empty the bottle
Peter Bast is determined to drink life down to the very last drop even if it means giving all he has away and filling the hollowed out shell of his past self with wine.
Friday Links
with Four Loves at the Houston Ballet; Sam Kahn: “We are in a Writing Renaissance”; Interviews with James Matthew Wilson, Marly Youmans, & Paul Pastor; Rhina P. Espaillat Poetry Award; Jackson Arn on “The Anguish of Looking at a Monet”
Setting Prisoners Free
The power of the arts in prison ministry in rural Texas: an interview with Father Jim
Friday Links
Micah Mattix with The Blackbird + Blue Walls: A Double Book Launch; James Earl Jones, dead at 93; Victoria Moul on George Herbert; 17 Novels You Need to Read This Fall; Elijah Blumov Interviews Timothy Steele
Bob Dylan’s Eucharistic Longing
Hidden within Dylan’s description of love is the shape of Eucharistic longing.
Friday Links
Blue Walls Falling Down
An exclusive excerpt from Joshua Hren's new novel.
Playing The Cure's In Between Days at a Relocation Camp
“The children said they wanted to dance. Someone handed me an old guitar. P. and I looked at each other. I couldn’t think of anything else to play, so I played In Between Days, as the children danced and jumped around us.”
Friday Links
Tessa Carmen reviews The Anxious Generation; Adam Sacks on the Esoteric Wokeness of ‘Ancient Aliens’; 2024 Emerging Translator Residency; Autumn Poems; Inklings on the Move: Less Oser in Law and Liberty
Mysteries and Medicines
New music from Father Isaiah
The Screaming Deer
LaDonna Friesen on the jarring relationship between peace and violence.
Friday Links
with Winners of the First Things Poetry Prize; Inaugural Issue of New Verse Review; No Stage Catholics: Robert Wyllie; Shroud of Turin dates from time of Christ; Zena Hitz: What Is Time For?
In Dante’s city
Mike Dillon explores Ravenna, Italy’s City of Mosaics
Friday Links
with False Light: Moral Worldbuilding and the Virtues of Evil; Mike Mastromatteo reviews Contemporary Catholic Poetry: An Anthology; The Essence of Everything: A distiller muses on alchemy, monasticism, and the Philosopher’s Stone; Scoundrel or Saint? A Return to Robin Hood
Angela Townsend’s prayer on behalf of those who aren’t quite ready to don their robes of suffering.