Friday Links

October 4, 2024


St. Francis of Assisi by Philip Fruytiers

The 2024 J.F. Powers Prize for Short Fiction

An Interview with DT’s Editor-in-Chief Rhonda Ortiz

James R. Wood on The Autonomy Trap

Marcel Proust’s View from the Persecutor’s Side

God’s Little Flowers by Lindsay Schlegel

Culture of Life Poetry Award from Let Go the Goat

The 2024 J.F. Powers Prize for Short Fiction

The editors of Dappled Things are pleased to announce that submissions for this year’s J.F. Powers Prize for Short Fiction are now open. Named after one of the greatest writers of the 20th century Catholic literary renaissance–often called a writer’s writer–the contest aims to honor his legacy by awarding stories that, like the priests he wrote about in his fiction, have “one foot in this world and one in the next.” The contest awards prizes of $700 to the winner, $300 to its runner up, and publication for any additional honorable mentions at the discretion of the editors.

Submissions will close on November 30, 2024.

Winners will be announced April 2025.

Send us your very best short stories here.

An Interview with DT’s Editor-in-Chief Rhonda Ortiz

Our very own Rhonda discussing all things Dappled Things.

James R. Wood on The Autonomy Trap

A truly beautiful essay from James R. Wood in Plough about the gift that is our dependency on others and theirs on us.

Marcel Proust’s View from the Persecutor’s Side

Joshua Hren in Church Life Journal on Proust:

For the first-time reader of In Search of Lost Time, Proust’s sinuous sentences can feel convoluted and even taxing, demanding—without due cause—such a sustained attention that editions of Proust’s masterpiece released “for the modern reader” should be equipped with a medicinal preface that contains a filled prescription for Ritalin. This is greatness? 3,400 snobbish pages of authentique Belle Époque aestheticism? Ribbon after satin ribbon of pretentious, purple prose, twisted sadistically into knots of solipsistic self-reference?

God’s Little Flowers by Lindsay Schlegel

This lovely book from my friend Lindsay is now available for pre-order. Friends writing wonderful books sure does make Christmas shopping easier!

Beautifully illustrated with an uplifting message, God's Little Flowers is a wonderful way to show young girls that they are each bestowed with particular gifts from being made in the image and likeness of God. Through this book, every girl may come to rejoice in the glorious reality of God's unending love for her.

Culture of Life Poetry Award from Let Go the Goat

Submissions are now open for this contest with a prize of $2500. There is a $10 entry fee per poem. Maya Clubine will judge the first round and Jane Greer will judge the final round. Find details at the link.

Mary R. Finnegan

After several years working as a registered nurse in various settings including the operating room and the neonatal ICU, Mary works as a freelance editor and writer. Mary earned a BA in English, a BS in Nursing, and is currently pursuing her MFA in creative Writing at the University of St. Thomas, Houston. Mary’s poetry, essays, and stories can be found in Ekstasis, Lydwine Journal, American Journal of Nursing, Catholic Digest, Amethyst Review, and elsewhere. She is Deputy Editor at Wiseblood Books.


The 2024 J.F. Powers Prize for Short Fiction