Deep Down Things
Nicodemus, Doug Weaver
Pentecost 2012 issue.
The Oddity of the Artist
Each inscape is unique
Friday Links, June 19, 2020
Poetry of the New World
A way past the ills of our closed society

She took to staring
Blue. The color of water. The color of the sky. Bright and lively but also melancholic and mysterious. The color of peacock and robin eggs.
Jessica Sweeney reviews The Strange Birds of Flannery O’Connor
Poetry Beyond the Closed Room
Pablo Neruda on how we write about place and space
Friday Links, June 12, 2020
Links from the B16 Institute, IHE, New Criterion, Patheos, and the Met
The necessity of long-form art
The necessity of long-form art
attending the symphony with two dozen eighteen-year olds
"In times like these..."
the favorite beginning of every essay
Friday Links, June 5, 2020
Links both serious and some not so serious.
The hidden genius of Emily Dickinson
veins of gold in the ordinary
Read like the saints
our quarantine companions
Friday Links, May 29, 2020
Three poetry collections, Matisse, Chesterton's BD.
Spiritual Hedgehogs
finding grace in social isolation
Quarantine Notebook - Part 15
The Quarantine Notebook ends.
Friday Links, May 22, 2020
Deep down questions—and other notable things.
Quarantine Notebook - Part 14
Of immortality and everydayness.
Frank La Rocca’s Top Ten Influential Albums
Musical influences of an acclaimed composer.
Quarantine Notebook - Part 13
Oh, let those buried crops beget anew.
Friday Links, May 15, 2020
Links to all sorts of things.