Deep Down Things
Nicodemus, Doug Weaver
Pentecost 2012 issue.
Quarantine Notebook - Part 12
Bilocation and our need for freedom.
Friday Links, May 8, 2020
This week's links from Dappled Things editors.
Quarantine Notebook - Part 11
A thick and shaggy nonsense.
Winners of the 2019 Jacques Maritain Prize for Nonfiction
Chinese Christians, H.P. Lovecraft, and Cardboard Boxes
Quarantine Notebook - Part 10
We’re like Cheshire cats, but in reverse.
Friday Links: May 1, 2020
Poems, Art, Philosophy, Etc.
Winners of the 2020 J.F. Powers Prize
Congratulations to our winners!
Quarantine Notebook - Part 9
Why is it that we do the things we do?
Quarantine Notebook - Part 8
The children whirl in circles round me
Friday Links: April 24, 2020
Links from DT editors
Quarantine Notebook - Part 7
The travails of a restless mind
Quarantine Notebook - Part 6
Palm Sunday's flashy welcome
Friday Links: April 17, 2020
A Year and Two Days Later
Quarantine Notebook - Part 5
The growing count of dying, dead, or newly ill
Quarantine Notebook - Part 4
The Feast of the Annunciation comes and goes.
You, too, can learn Greek
An impractical Good Friday homily
Friday Links: April 10, 2020
A few Good Friday links
Quarantine Notebook - Part 3
The Liturgy of the Word without a sequel.
A Playlist for the Triduum: Holy Saturday
A musical meditation for Holy Week, Part 3
A Playlist for the Triduum: Good Friday
A musical meditation for Holy Week, Part 2