Rough Translation

—Hebrews 12:13

It’s possible to read yourself into the Church.
It’s possible to suffer yourself into the Church.
The night I started drinking
and woke up in the hospital,
a stomach pump, bad fluorescents, 
two IVs dripping in my arm as the sun rose,
and not right away, but later,
much later, I felt what could only be You
breaking through the whirlwind I’d made, 
as real as those crows in the vacant lot,
as real as that sportscar blasting speed metal. 
I’m sorry I hurt the few people who still love me.
I’m sorry You get lost in the trash of my life.
Please strengthen me with Your love,
that what is wounded may not be broken forever, but healed.

Justin Lacour

Justin Lacour lives in New Orleans and edits Trampoline: A Journal of Poetry. He is the author of four chapbooks of poetry and his poems have appeared or are forthcoming in Amethyst Review, The Windhover, South Dakota Review, and Presence, where he was nominated for a Pushcart Prize.


New England


Saint Martin