Bereite Dich, Zion

Fresh snow on the fields
and all along the track
frost flowers blooming.
In the distance a single light
flickers and dies
Overhead the stars like golden fireflies
are winking in the forest of the night.

I have put on my corals and rubies
I have put on my robe of purest light
I have sewed my heart to the sleeve of my garment
Ich bin bereit.

Grace Andreacchi

Grace Andreacchi is an American-born novelist, poet, and playwright whose works include the novels Give My Heart Ease (New American Writing Award) and Music for Glass Orchestra, and the play Vegetable Medley (Soho Repertory Theater, New York and Boston Center for the Arts, Boston, Massachusetts). She holds a degree in philosophy, has lived in Paris and Berlin, and now lives in London (




The Ship Inside