New Love in Spring

When winter came, I welcomed snow
Nor minded much that summers go,
Too glad that—though their breath is cold—
The years are white when they are old.

But now that spring has come again,
I am in love with April rain
And budding things, and happy, too,
That years are green when they are new.

Sr. Mary Catherine Vukmanic, OSU

Sr. Mary Catherine Vukmanic entered the order of Ursulines of Pittsburgh following high school graduation. She received her master’s degree from Duquesne University and later her doctorate from the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary after joining the Ursulines of Louisville. Her poems have appeared variously in America, Review for Religious, Spirit, etc. Now in retirement, she sees poetry as a form of continuing her work as a teacher... teaching the beauty of God’s creation and the goodness of life.


The Carp

