
For my two parents, two brothers, and three sisters.

One is who I say I am
It may be who I wish I were
It is what I know I am not
For how can I be one when I am three?
Perhaps I am but cannot see
How less these two I am not me.
Yet still the fibers won’t cohere
To pump my heart and quell my fear
Unless one with five I know I am six
Two sets of three—a blessed fix
I’m one in six of three by two
Entwined with all I’m part of you
Through two whose one has raised us tall
Secured by He whose One gives all.

John A. Di Camillo

A graduate of the University of Pennsylvania, John A. Di Camillo is currently studying Bioethics at the Athenaeum Pontificium Regina Apostolorum in Rome. He is a member of the Dappled Things editorial board.



