Meditation on Gerard Manley Hopkins’ “Adoro Te” As Sung By a Choir in Rehearsal

Dull notes ring from a
	worn piano
    in the basement, underground.
Among shadows
	I hear light:
    simple scales move
	on my heart.
Listen to the tapping time
	that takes us out of time.

I am here forever.

Cantering, chanting,
    my voice is not mine,
	it melts into the others,
	    into one,
	lifting and softly setting,
	and we know that
	    we are heard:
	our prayers come from
	    where they go.
Sarah Buck

Sarah Buck is a convert living in Concord, NH. An alumna of Saint Anselm College, she also holds an MLIS from the University of South Florida.


4/8/77, St. Luke’s Church


Spare, Strange