Gazing into the Abyss

This painless life has been too little blest,
 Too little in true suffering immersed—
 Of all disease is comfort not the worst,
For one who seeks a cause, a cross, a quest?
Yet one who treads the road of holiness
 Leans perilously near a brink accurs’d:
 For vampire-slayers oft are bitten first,
And exorcists are oftenest possessed.
 But still—but still—may not a man risk all,
   If only to escape tepidity?
 Ah, Father, let me climb and dare the fall,
   Though I myself soon beg surcease of Thee!
 Let me be tested, even if I call
   Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani?
Jamey Toner

Jamey Toner is the author of The Kai, the true account of a young man finding faith through the martial arts, and the co-author of Brides of Christ, a children's book from the Benedictines of Mary, Queen of Apostles. Toner lives and works in Massachusetts with his beautiful wife, three lovely children, and a fluctuating number of chickens.


In the Harvest Season


Another Night, Another Load of Corpses