A Timeless Embrace

Unfettered spontaneity of the escalating breeze
Whistling wisps of tingling excitement
Flying clouds of rapid torsion tying tighter
Azure world now clear, once gray, now white, now black
Shimmering splatters of weightless power
Pulling, pushing, twirling, hurling, lifting, soaring—CRACK!
A slice of chaotic light.
An instant.
A distant rumble groaning briefly.
Soaked and startled earth now cools with fading winds.
Blackened sky now gray, once white, now clear azure.
Caprice of the stratosphere.

Deep and hidden, year by hundred years
Hot though covered, tear by hundred tears
Unseen, unfelt beneath the earthly shell
Slow peaceful movement under tender spell
Magnanimous bodies of solid mass
In tiny steps move pass by pass
Graciously their borders meet
Unknown but all the more complete
Time extends their interaction
Focuses the chain reaction
Within the core a shudder sets
Its firmness constancy begets
Thundering power to quake the lands
Tempered, focused in time’s sweet sands
They move the mountains, reshaping the earth
Permanent fruit of eternal worth.

The solid ground incites the air
Its mountains teach with loving care
The brilliant flash to pause, to stare
The covered depths in bass now share
Majestic secrets, rich and rare
With sudden lights which rather dare
Toward caprice, nothing but a flare.
Yet, Lo! The earth holds fast and fair
And to the winds does ever bear
That tempered glass of timeless gaze—
Immortal now this lightning phase.

John A. Di Camillo

A graduate of the University of Pennsylvania, John A. Di Camillo is currently studying Bioethics at the Athenaeum Pontificium Regina Apostolorum in Rome. He is a member of the Dappled Things editorial board.


After the Ice Storm


The Infinite Jest