May Showers

The rain kissing my lips,
your fingers trace
every contour of my face,
perhaps to discover if you’re
meant to stay here
by my side,
if I’m meant to be led by you.

These May showers have broken dams
I never knew existed.
In my heart and veins
new blood rushes through.
New life,
new life with you.

May showers have washed me clean,
my heart renewed
to be given to you,
if He so wills it.
He knows my dreams
of waking up to May showers with you
every year to come –
of love songs in the spring,
of kisses on the stoop,
of dancing in the rain,
till death do us part.

May showers in the spring
evoke memories yet to come.
If He would will it,
I would choose you –
with every drop,
the certainty floods my heart.
Now I must wait on you,
now I must wait on Him,
to reveal what you’ve discovered
while the rain kissed my lips
and you stroked my hair,
tender fingers caressing my face,
traces of moonlight on my heart.


Draining the Marshes


Phrases I'm Going Through