I Am

I am an Artist A Poet A Prodigal Preacher A Wanderer A Pilgrim I am a Truth Seeker A Hopeful Romantic A Lover A Fool Ever toeing the line between Foolish and Cool

A Teller of Tales
(Of words, not of whales)
A Laugher
A Cryer
A Shooting Star Spyer

I am a Daydreamer
Of worlds far away
And I am not ashamed
For God made me this way:

A Learner
A Yearner
I am a Page-Turner
A Man Set Apart
A Live Work of Art

I am seeking God’s Heart for my own

I am simply a Man
Just God’s Own creation
No gift can I bring
But Imagination

And yet this could prove just as useful a tool
For the King of Kings may have use for a Fool




The Edifice