St. Teresa of Avila

“There is a time for penance, and a time for partridge.” — St. Teresa

Faith feels like a foot
relinquishing its devotion
to shoes. Nothing left
for your soles but prophecy.

Nothing left to weave
against the cold but visions
of Christ, of demons.

No time to write, take it
in snatches.

A loose thread here, a tuck there.

No roses in your hair, no scent
of magnolia on your wrist.
No bread for the table,
wine and gossip for the lips.

You pick up the vow of poverty,
silence, prayer.

You remove your own name, falling
in ashes to the floor.

Renee Emerson

Renee Emerson is the author of Keeping Me Still (Winter Goose Publishing 2014) and Threshing Floor (Jacar Press 2016). Her poetry has been published in 32 Poems, Christianity and Literature, Indiana Review, Literary Mama, Southern Humanities Review, storySouth, and elsewhere. Renee lives in Arkansas with her husband and three daughters.


Christ the Vine


Advice of an Old Master