Lady Julian of Norwich

The fullness of Joy (salvation) is to behold God in everything.   Lady Julian of Norwich

Indwelling your house next to heaven, a
hooded ponderer was anchorhold to soul;
open dormers, O Julian, invited downpour
from the joy-magician of our Becoming,
who liberates birds of paradise to perch
on washed wood of body, mind, or spirit,
lilting lovesong into the hush of One Who
Dwells in the reflection that never sleeps.

You said: God made, God loves, and
God keeps
, and Who worries not, dearest
Julian; Who left the honey of epic truth
in Mystery’s restless creation. Though
deep must be the silence, surely with the
calm of bees we shall trust retreat into
that hive of Being, should we hunger,
indwelling our house next to heaven.

Ronald Smith

Ronald Smith attended Loyola University of Maryland (B.A.) and spent a career flying in the U.S. Air Force. Extensive travel brought a spiritual dimension to his writing.  His next poetry book is Roses for the Most High on the Christian Mystics.




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