Deep Down Things

Nicodemus, Doug Weaver
Pentecost 2012 issue.

Hildegaard and the female voice
Denise Trull Denise Trull

Hildegaard and the female voice

Denise Trull interviews Nori Fahrig, director of the women’s schola Polyhymnia, on the beauty and meaning of the female voice.

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Europe in These Times:  Rome of the North
Kevin Duffy Kevin Duffy

Europe in These Times: Rome of the North

Trier is often called the “Rome of the North” because of its large number of typical ruins from the time of that empire, including those of an amphitheater, baths, and—most visibly and uniquely—the fully intact and massive gate that once served as its entry point. This last is the Porta Nigra, dark and ominous at the end of a common pedestrian shopping street, a sentinel that still reminds the visitor that this was once a guarded place, where conquerors built and lived behind walls.

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Invisible Boy
Elizabeth Leon Elizabeth Leon

Invisible Boy

Elizabeth Leon peers through the tension of the visible and the invisible into the mysterious communion of saints.

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My mother’s apricot jam
Alyssa Stadtlander Alyssa Stadtlander

My mother’s apricot jam

To me, like some third grade eucharistic ritual, my mother was the apricot jam. I wasn’t just eating a sandwich. I was eating the bread of my mother, eating her energy, her effort, her stigma of being the only working mom in my class, a mom who didn’t fit in with the tall blonde women in their designer clothes and fancy cars in the drop-off line. I noticed the grace and fire with which she moved through that cutthroat world and I loved her for it with every part of me.

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Jeffrey Essmann Jeffrey Essmann


“It’s always there, just below the surface. Sometimes as I’m praying a psalm or doing lectio, I’ll suddenly be brought back to my building-block days, my eyes skating along undifferentiated letters, mere interesting shapes. Squiggles. I skate along the surface of the text, instantly aware of how thin it is.”

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Fumbling toward Ecstasy
Jesse Russell Jesse Russell

Fumbling toward Ecstasy

A book review of Raïssa Maritain’s Poetry and Mysticism, published by Wiseblood with an introduction by James Matthew Wilson.

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Farm Foundation
Mike Bonifas Mike Bonifas

Farm Foundation

For those of us who live once in flourishing but now hard-scrabble rural communities, the wreckage of the divorce between farm and family is profound and enduring. The heartbreak is as vivid as every abandoned farmhouse and boarded-up main street.

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Faith & Athletics
Gracjan Kraszewski Gracjan Kraszewski

Faith & Athletics

Chasing impossible perfection as preparation for the only perfection that matters.

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Doing Theology with Poetry
Abram Van Engen Abram Van Engen

Doing Theology with Poetry

Just as kingfishers catch flame or as a just man justices, so too do poems poem. They do what they say in such a way that the experience of the words brings alive the theology it conveys, so that the conveying is the living, the saying is the doing—the experience is the theology of the poem.

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The beauty of the Mass as antidote to anxiety
Denise Trull Denise Trull

The beauty of the Mass as antidote to anxiety

When I first attended Sunday Evening Mass, I fell asleep for a very brief space during the Canon so calmly and gently was it prayed. And I suddenly woke up about five minutes later feeling utterly refreshed. More refreshed than I had felt in years. This was what it was like to lack all anxiety. I almost cried for joy.

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Religion, Literature, and Reality
Michael Yost Michael Yost

Religion, Literature, and Reality

Michael Yost elaborates on how poetry is, or ought to be, governed not by a concern for expression, or mere recapitulation of experience, but of all the notes on the scale of being.

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