Deep Down Things

Nicodemus, Doug Weaver
Pentecost 2012 issue.

On Winter
Elise Tegegne Elise Tegegne

On Winter

In The Cloister Walk, Kathleen Norris asks, “If scarcity makes things more precious, what does it mean to choose the spare world over one in which we are sated with abundance…does living in [the spare world] bring with it certain responsibilities? Gratitude for example? The painful acceptance that underlies Psalm 16’s ‘happy indeed whatever heritage befalls me?’”

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Amy Nicholson Amy Nicholson


It is twenty-four days past Christmas. My husband walks into the living room, eyes the fake pine garland and tiny colored lights wrapped around the banister behind the piano and says,

"It's time we take these down.”

"I don't want to take them down."

I hear myself and think how much I sound like one of the five year olds I work with. But maybe that's because it's the gut-honest truth. I'd prefer not to take down the Christmas lights.

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Friday Links, January 14, 2022
Roseanne T. Sullivan Roseanne T. Sullivan

Friday Links, January 14, 2022

+ Seminar on Chimamanda Adichie’s Purple Hibiscus

+ Is habit a slave driver or a path to spiritual growth?

+ Dante poetry contest, submissions close 1/31

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Losing My Ethnicity
Christopher Mari Christopher Mari

Losing My Ethnicity

These were the lessons I learned at our kitchen table, drinking coffee and listening to my grandmother tell stories of the family’s struggles during the Depression as she made struffoli and zeppoles by hand. There was honor in doing the right thing by those you loved. You’d be remembered for it after you died. And there was purpose in carrying from the past the things that mattered, not just the foods and traditions and the funny stories but the lessons learned, so you could teach them to the next generation.

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William Morris On Creating a Home
Denise Trull Denise Trull

William Morris On Creating a Home

The paintings on the walls, the wonder of jeweled storybooks read over and over in the comfy chintz chair by the window, the smell of tea in the old blue china cup, popcorn smell on Friday nights, the favorite dress, the smell of cookies baking and kept in the old butter crock cookie jar. The vase that has held flowers of romance, of milestone, of a mother’s love for her child’s dandelions. These mere ‘things’ contain the mystery of Child memory. They tell us we are loved, known, and seen as unique marvels in this vast, sometimes lonely universe. That we are worthy of the mystery unfolding within us. William Morris bet his life on it.

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Friday Links, January 7, 2022
Roseanne T. Sullivan Roseanne T. Sullivan

Friday Links, January 7, 2022

+ Difference between an icon and an idol?

+ Another book by a DT friend on another 2021 Best Books list.

+ Psalter St. Thomas of Canterbury may have held at his martyrdom may have been identified.

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Traveling With the Magi
Amy Nicholson Amy Nicholson

Traveling With the Magi

Contemplating this pilgrimage through my own cultural lens of an American woman living in the 21st century, I am struck by the determination, reverence, humility, and singularity of vision of these men. I wonder about their thoughts and their conversations along the way and how that journey affected them.

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Friday Links, December 31, 2021
Roseanne T. Sullivan Roseanne T. Sullivan

Friday Links, December 31, 2021

On the seventh day of Christmas and the last day of 2021 . . .

+ The Catholic Gothic Club

+ Best books read in 2021 from Catholic World Report editors mentions several familiar DT editor and contributor names.

+ Plough editors favorite essays published in 2021 mentions another familiar DT name.

+ Which bestsellers are still remembered over the past century?

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Friday Links, December 24, 2021
Roseanne T. Sullivan Roseanne T. Sullivan

Friday Links, December 24, 2021

+ Read a reflection on the treasure of chant by a choir director (Diana Silva) and listen to an explanation of the readings of the first Mass of Christmas

+ See how a professional writer/editor/mother/child-wrangler (Rhonda Ortiz) manages an interview

+ Learn from a famous contemporary poet (Dana Gioia) how to balance writing with a full time job.

+ Watch a video of a musical setting of a Christmas poem (by James Matthew Wilson).

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Planning for a New Golden Age of Catholic Literature
Bernardo Aparicio García Bernardo Aparicio García

Planning for a New Golden Age of Catholic Literature

Catholic literature was supposed to be dead. So it seemed in 2005 when Dappled Things launched its first issue. But our faith has a knack for resurrection, and now what seems dead is that narrative of decline.

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Are Miracles Outside the Boundary of Good Taste?
Father Michael Rennier Father Michael Rennier

Are Miracles Outside the Boundary of Good Taste?

Shortly after beginning to read, I encountered this glorious piece of writing; "Canon Geoghegan said nothing, but went on picking at his fish, methodically, earnestly, as though he were disemboweling Emmanuel Kant's Critique of Pure Reason" This is when I was hooked. This Marshall fella writes.

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Friday Links, December 17, 2021
Roseanne T. Sullivan Roseanne T. Sullivan

Friday Links, December 17, 2021

+ Katy Carl’s 12/13 interview about her new novel is on YouTube.

+ Another YouTube video shows a tiny hermitage with a beautiful chapel—constructed by a part-time hermit part-time trekker priest in the Italian alps.

+ Reveling in unfinished conversion journeys.

+ A Christmas novella of how daily life radically changed for Catholics after the Chinese Communist Revolution and how the faith survived in one old Catholic man’s heart

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Will the Real Catholic Writers Please Stand Up?
Casie Dodd Casie Dodd

Will the Real Catholic Writers Please Stand Up?

My evangelical ancestors would be pleased to know that I’ve become obsessed with conversion; they would be less satisfied to learn that interest runs almost exclusively in a Catholic direction. As a fairly recent convert to Catholicism from the Southern Baptist tradition (through a long and painful process), I am constantly gathering more examples of other writers who made the leap as a way to shore up reinforcements against my own lingering insecurities. I’m always hopeful that the next one I find will convince me permanently that I am finally where I belong.

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A Motley Crew
Denise Trull Denise Trull

A Motley Crew

The surprising history of how Ronald Knox’s Mass In Slow Motion was written.

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