Deep Down Things

Nicodemus, Doug Weaver
Pentecost 2012 issue.

Christopher Petter Christopher Petter

This is America

Michael Horan’s long poem, America, America reflects deeply on the events of 9/11 and its aftermath. Over the next few days, Dappled Things will have the privilege of bringing the poem to you in all three parts.

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Jeffrey Essmann Jeffrey Essmann

Writing My Own Magnificat

I said out loud to the ceiling, to the sky, to the heavens, “They wrote it down! THEY WROTE IT DOWN!!!” My faith in God may have been weak, nearly dead, but I still recognized the faith at the heart of all good writing, real writing.

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Friday Links, September 3, 2021
Roseanne T. Sullivan Roseanne T. Sullivan

Friday Links, September 3, 2021

+ Interview with and a review by Joshua Hren.

+ Congratulations to Katy Carl on her about to be published debut novel.

+ Invitation to a Dappled Things/Collegium Institute collaborative online seminar on a new Sigrid Undset translation.

+ Some helpful pre-reading for the seminar.

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Friday Links, August 27, 2021
Roseanne T. Sullivan Roseanne T. Sullivan

Friday Links, August 27, 2021

+ Tree of Life—Living vine crucifix

+ “Christian Humanism in Modern Literature” podcast by Lee Oser

+ A Christmas ghost story contest

+The Vocation of cinema and the nature of cinephilia by Thomas Mirus

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Friday Links, August 20, 2021
Roseanne T. Sullivan Roseanne T. Sullivan

Friday Links, August 20, 2021

+ A podcast discussing Hopkins’ poem, “God’s Grandeur.”

+ Fatima Shaik, only the third African American and the first Black woman to win the 2021 Louisiana Writer’s Award.

+ What would public literary criticism and scholarship mean?

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Reverence Opens the Door to Beauty
David Trull David Trull

Reverence Opens the Door to Beauty

Reverence gives Being the opportunity to unfold itself, to, as it were, speak to us; to fecundate our minds. Therefore reverence is indispensable to any adequate knowledge of being.

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Europe In These Times: A Church of Clouds
Kevin Duffy Kevin Duffy

Europe In These Times: A Church of Clouds

Art plays on memory in its own way, at its best leaving one with a question, or a thought that cannot be completed, that is failed by words; and so it was with this experience, this day, this lingering sentiment now (and perhaps for a long time) occupying my consciousness: the musical work of a sixteenth century English composer, sung in Latin, arranged by a Canadian artist and placed in the cool white space of an Austrian house of worship, being heard by an itinerant American—art and faith crossing boundaries and centuries

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Friday Links, July 30, 2021
Roseanne T. Sullivan Roseanne T. Sullivan

Friday Links, July 30, 2021

+ More about the age-old question: What qualifies a work of fiction as literary art?

+ On the connection between the Benedictine vision and poetry.

+ Raft of Stars novel read chapter by chapter on Wisconsin Public Radio.

+ New Wiseblood Press essay by Michael D. O’Brien, on the history of mankind’s creative imagination.

+ “Dear Holy Father”: some respectful reactions to Pope Francis’ recent motu proprio.

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Revenge Literature: Aping the Ape
Jeffrey Wald Jeffrey Wald

Revenge Literature: Aping the Ape

In an interview from 2020, novelist Alexander Theroux opines that “writing itself is in a very real sense about revenge,” and that “to take on the subject of love as a theme in a book, one cannot avoid the ancillary themes of jealousy, disappointment, and revenge.”

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Friday Links, July 23, 2021
Roseanne T. Sullivan Roseanne T. Sullivan

Friday Links, July 23, 2021

Should Rome decide which art is suitable for churches?

Dante’s youthful handwriting discovered in examples of his student copywork.

Why we need stories, to teach morals without moralizing.

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