Deep Down Things
Nicodemus, Doug Weaver
Pentecost 2012 issue.
Friday Links, September 25, 2020
Endo class; another Last Supper; new poetry review
The Late Bloomer
You're never too old to be an artist
Friday Links, September 18, 2020
Writer-in-Residency, famous photos, two priests share
The Way of Beauty in Dante
Follow the gaze of Beatrice
Finding Christ in the LitRPG
Every form of literature has merit
Friday Links, September 11, 2020
Church Music, O'Connor's Not Racist, Misc. Art
Incarnate Thought
Christian Foundations of the Novel
Slumming at Monday Night Bingo and Job News from the County
Bingo night in a time of job search
Why drama is so good for children
education as joy and creativity
Friday Links, September 3, 2020
About Lev, Bernanos, Cheever, and Hansen
Against Cultural Marcionism
A provocation
Friday Links, August 28, 2020
Still catching up on a rich backlog of links.
The expansiveness of My Antonia
Willa Cather's masterpiece
The art of taking care
Every smallest detail of life is an art form
Friday Links, August 21, 2020
Catching up with links we didn't have room for last week.
Struggles with understanding God
An Interview with Adrian Koesters
Bringing new life to old poetry
Recomposing Vittoria Colonna's Sonnets for Michelangelo
Friday Links for August 14, 2020
Berry, Faulkner, O'Connor, and Racism
Saint Clare: Patron Saint of Silicon Valley
The transformation of Saint Clare's valley