Deep Down Things
Nicodemus, Doug Weaver
Pentecost 2012 issue.

Friday Links, February 4, 2022
+ Joshua Hren announces the publication of his first novel and his writers’ manifesto.
+ Heather King interviews herself.
+ City Mother, is reviewed on the day before its release.
+ Catholic Writers Conference coming up February 11-13.
+ Ave Regina Caelorum, the Marian antiphon for this time of year.
+ A CLA class, Finding Faith on the Road, begins early March.

Friday Links, December 31, 2021
On the seventh day of Christmas and the last day of 2021 . . .
+ The Catholic Gothic Club
+ Best books read in 2021 from Catholic World Report editors mentions several familiar DT editor and contributor names.
+ Plough editors favorite essays published in 2021 mentions another familiar DT name.
+ Which bestsellers are still remembered over the past century?

Friday Links, December 24, 2021
+ Read a reflection on the treasure of chant by a choir director (Diana Silva) and listen to an explanation of the readings of the first Mass of Christmas
+ See how a professional writer/editor/mother/child-wrangler (Rhonda Ortiz) manages an interview
+ Learn from a famous contemporary poet (Dana Gioia) how to balance writing with a full time job.
+ Watch a video of a musical setting of a Christmas poem (by James Matthew Wilson).

Friday Links, December 3, 2021
+ Dante again, this time he’s inspiring a poetry contest.
+ CUA students launch a literary (and arts) magazine.
+ Joshua Hren will speak at a Scala webinar 12/9 and he’s finally got a website.
+ James Matthew Wilson’s latest, a review.
+ Rhonda Ortiz and Eleanor Bourg Nicholson talk about werewolves, fainting damsels, and genre fiction.
+ Joseph Pearce is grateful for all we all do.

Friday Links, October 15, 2021
+ Poet Dana Gioia talks about the strange, dark life of poet Edwin Arlington Robinson.
+ Architect Duncan Stroik talks about how when we design and fund beautiful buildings for the poor, we do them for Christ.
+ Michael O’Brien writes an Open Letter to Fellow Writers and Artists.
+ Fr. Michael Rennier writes about five recent books he wants to read.

Friday Links, September 17, 2021
+ Now visible: a Cupid formerly overpainted on a well-known Vermeer.
+ Online seminar on Sigrid Undset’s Vows, with Katy Carl, starts Oct. 4.
+ Three ways Dante’s 700th death anniversary was observed this week.
+ Recent publications by Dappled Things editors and a contributor.
+ A retreat for artists and art lovers, with Dana Gioia and Kevin Turley, Sept 29.

Friday Links, September 10, 2021

Friday Links, September 3, 2021
+ Interview with and a review by Joshua Hren.
+ Congratulations to Katy Carl on her about to be published debut novel.
+ Invitation to a Dappled Things/Collegium Institute collaborative online seminar on a new Sigrid Undset translation.
+ Some helpful pre-reading for the seminar.

Friday Links, August 6, 2021

Friday Links, July 30, 2021
+ More about the age-old question: What qualifies a work of fiction as literary art?
+ On the connection between the Benedictine vision and poetry.
+ Raft of Stars novel read chapter by chapter on Wisconsin Public Radio.
+ New Wiseblood Press essay by Michael D. O’Brien, on the history of mankind’s creative imagination.
+ “Dear Holy Father”: some respectful reactions to Pope Francis’ recent motu proprio.

Friday Links, July 16, 2021
Poetry and other publications mostly by present and past Dappled Things staff, and friends.
+ Sarah Cortez’s poem “Green”
+ Rhonda Ortiz’s essay on silence followed by a link to . . .
+ Rhonda Ortiz’s debut novel
+ Word on Fire on liturgical art.

Friday Links, June 25, 2021
+ Sixth Power of the Word Conference will explore the “call of literature” for authors and readers.
+ About the ways number and logic underlie the entirety of Dante’s Commedia.
+ Congratulations to DT editorial assistant Mary Woods on her first novel!
+ Two Internet novels get us closer to understanding the experience of life online.