Deep Down Things
Nicodemus, Doug Weaver
Pentecost 2012 issue.

Friday Links, December 17, 2021
+ Katy Carl’s 12/13 interview about her new novel is on YouTube.
+ Another YouTube video shows a tiny hermitage with a beautiful chapel—constructed by a part-time hermit part-time trekker priest in the Italian alps.
+ Reveling in unfinished conversion journeys.
+ A Christmas novella of how daily life radically changed for Catholics after the Chinese Communist Revolution and how the faith survived in one old Catholic man’s heart

Friday Links, October 29, 2021
+ Dark stuff for Halloween
* An invitation to a ZOOM about vampires, werewolves & serial killers, O My!
* An essay with more about the blood-drinking undead at Catholic World Report
* An EWTN interview with K.V. Turley and Fiorella De Maria about their novel about Bela Lugosi
* An article by Turley about the real horrors lived by Lugosi
* Ghost stories collected by Gerard Manley Hopkins
* Thirst: A Novel: Death of a priest
* The first horror moving picture—in 1896 (it really was scary!)
+ A round-up of print and online essays in DT’s “Symposium on Motherhood and Art”