Deep Down Things
Nicodemus, Doug Weaver
Pentecost 2012 issue.

Friday Links, September 10, 2021

Friday Links, September 3, 2021
+ Interview with and a review by Joshua Hren.
+ Congratulations to Katy Carl on her about to be published debut novel.
+ Invitation to a Dappled Things/Collegium Institute collaborative online seminar on a new Sigrid Undset translation.
+ Some helpful pre-reading for the seminar.

Friday Links, August 6, 2021

Friday Links, July 30, 2021
+ More about the age-old question: What qualifies a work of fiction as literary art?
+ On the connection between the Benedictine vision and poetry.
+ Raft of Stars novel read chapter by chapter on Wisconsin Public Radio.
+ New Wiseblood Press essay by Michael D. O’Brien, on the history of mankind’s creative imagination.
+ “Dear Holy Father”: some respectful reactions to Pope Francis’ recent motu proprio.
Friday Links, January 22, 2021
Resources, Lent writing contest, and four reviews
Friday Links, September 18, 2020
Writer-in-Residency, famous photos, two priests share
Friday Links, September 11, 2020
Church Music, O'Connor's Not Racist, Misc. Art