Friday Links — October 26 2018

Not every occupation is capable of surviving modernization. The last lighthouse keeper of Capri is about to run out of time. "But as marine navigation tools and satellite automation have become more sophisticated, the need for lighthouses and their human operators has been virtually snuffed out. In fact, with the exception of seasonal volunteers and educational guides, there are hardly any lighthouse keepers left on the planet."

Wondering how creepy music gets creepy? It might have something to do with the devil's interval and the Dies Irae. "This demonic combo was taboo in medieval times, though there’s no historical evidence for the popular claim that it was banned outright. Indeed, the devil’s interval was still occasionally used—though, tellingly, only in the gravest of musical circumstances."

In what is apparently not a piece of satire, the Vatican is releasing a Pokemon Go type app... but, you know, for Jesus. "Rather than chasing after Pikachu and Squirtle, the Vatican version involves collecting saints and other Biblical figures by answering philosophical questions about them. One hypothetical query on the app's website is 'Who said "My God, my God, why have you abandoned me?"’ (Hint: it was Jesus.)"

Jonathan McDonald

Jonathan McDonald studied literature at the University of Dallas, where he was the founding Editor-in-Chief of Ramify, the Journal of the Braniff Graduate School.


Horror, Abuse Scandals, and The Hunchback of Notre Dame


Finding Humility at the Papal Mass