First Friday Links
Thankfully I'm not the only Dappled Things editor fascinated by Evelyn Waugh's personal life. Michael Rennier has a great little essay about Evelyn Waugh's Parenting Techniques to read. "Choose to ignore your child and he may one day satirize you mercilessly in his novels."
Geoff Manaugh at the New Yorker wonders if we are being Hypnotized by the Hyperloop and other such Futurama-esque mad scientist projects. "Yet, as with much of what Musk has proposed in the past few years, the Hyperloop is most interesting when seen precisely as this—a conversation-starter, a provocation."
Meanwhile, one of Dr. Eva Brann's old essays on Paul Scott's Forgotten Raj Quartet was recently featured on the Imaginative Conservative site. This essay doubles as an apologetic for the Novel itself and the uses of visual imagery in its making. "A great novelist has in mind thousands of bits of knowledge which when selected appear to accrue significance on their own."